從美國薩凡納藝術學院插畫系碩士畢業,目前從事自由插畫師的工作,作品曾獲得第48屆貝爾格勒金筆獎-國際插畫雙年展、美國Creative Quarterly43 和 Hiii 插畫大獎等評審的肯定 。曾經合作過的雜誌有Billboard Magazine,美國職籃雜誌,Popshot Magazine等。

NBA Finals 2017.

This year, two super teams head to head against each other.

Follow the same art direction I have done for Hoop Magazine Cover; I feel the black and white portraits still show the intensity of two teams' strong will about the championship.

Check out the portraits on my Behance.

#NBA #NBAFinals #cavs #warriors

Yu-Ming Huang Illustration©


Twitter: @ymhuang_illos

Instagram: @ymhuang_illustration

Behance: https://lnkd.in/dga8TUW

Tumblr: Yu-Ming Huang


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