從美國薩凡納藝術學院插畫系碩士畢業,目前從事自由插畫師的工作,作品曾獲得第48屆貝爾格勒金筆獎-國際插畫雙年展、美國Creative Quarterly43 和 Hiii 插畫大獎等評審的肯定 。曾經合作過的雜誌有Billboard Magazine,美國職籃雜誌,Popshot Magazine等。

TEAM USA Basketball

One of the things that we wanted to put together, and I asked Jerry and the staff asked him to do, was to have versatility – guys who can play multiple positions. And whether we are trapping or pressing, I think overall we should just look at it that we would like to play the entire court, both offensively and defensively. And then, how we do that. In other words, there shouldn't be a part of court that we don't play on.

-Mike Krzyzewski, USA and Duke University head coach

Yu-Ming Huang Illustration©


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